Using Public Speaking to Promote Your Brand

Good public speaking skills are essential to your career and personal goals. Opportunities that allow you to hone your communication skills should never be overlooked because effective communication can help you successfully convey ideas to management, clients, co-workers, or consumers. Having good public speaking skills can help you quickly establish credibility with an audience. This…

Avoiding Audits

Tax season is, arguably, one of the most stressful times of year for individuals in the United States. With all the time individuals put into compiling documents and understanding filing options, it is easy to see why tax audits can be a cause for alarm after making it through such a hectic part of the…

Bill Gates’ Valuable Lessons on Public Communications

When he began focusing most of his time on philanthropic efforts through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates realized that he would need to transform into a persuasive public communicator and be able to explain the complex problems the organization was trying to solve to the public clearly and simply. Gates realized that…

Don’t Get Scammed This Tax Season

Tax season is a busy, stressful time for many people.  Because of this, it is easy to find someone who is looking for an easier way to file taxes.  Unfortunately, scam artists realize this and, with so much personal and financial information moving around during this time, it is easier for scammers to trick people…

Becoming a Better Public Speaker

One of the most valuable skills for a professional in any field is outstanding public speaking ability.  The ability to look comfortable and confident when addressing a room full of people will help you standout and advance in any career.  Whenever you speaking publicly, make a conscious effort to develop your own memorable speaking style…

Tackling Your Tax Filing Strategy

It’s the most dreaded season of all, the time of year when individuals are forced to sit down and figure out how to go about filing taxes. The entire process can often feel extremely tedious, confusing, and disorganized.  However, with just a few quick changes to your tax strategy, you can make the procedure of…